In a difficult and complex world, finding a solution to any problem is challenging at best. Finding a solution to a problem that has life and death consequences is a notch even higher. In the world of healthcare and practitioners helping real people with real life-and-death problems, medical billing solutions means that the practitioner and patients have more access to the critical help from healthcare practitioners.
Are Medical Billing Solutions Easy to Implement?
A solution is merely solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation. The reason we refer to medical billing and not just invoicing or billing is because the healthcare and medical world has its own vocabulary and systems around how medical billing needs to be done. So although any person or company can provide medical billing solutions, having adequate and relevant knowledge, tools and systems to handle this complicated topic can mean the difference between patients getting the therapy they need and healthcare practitioners being able to create the private practices that they want.
Why is It So Difficult to Find Good Medical Billing Solutions?
Each medical billing company or admin team attempting to provide this service to healthcare practitioners would have their own opinion on this. In our view, it is always difficult to provide effective medical billing solutions since you require a competent and stable team, and you need consistency in how you handle each healthcare practitioners and each medical aid claim that is received from the patient.
There are clearly horror stories in terms of when medical billing collections are not done correctly and professionally. This not only taints and sours the relationship with the healthcare practitioner, but it makes the healthcare practitioner feel really bad that they haven’t been able to meet the expectations of the patient and haven’t aligned to the beautiful and effective therapy that they provided to the patient. The most difficult of this scenario is that it should be relatively easy to get the medical billing and coding correct and perfect every single time.
A Perfect World for a Medical Billing Service
We like the concept of a request, a response and a service level agreement matched and monitored for each request. Wouldn’t that be a perfect world? A world where as a healthcare practitioner or a patient you knew exactly how your request would be handled and you could almost see the perfect response you would be expecting. Of course, perfection is not possible. Not even nature in all it’s marvellous manners can get that correct. Nevertheless, it is our view that we can provide medical billing solutions that a healthcare practitioner can rely on and know, and then know how each medical billing request within that umbrella of the private practice will be dealt with and handled.
The Core Pillars of Medical Billing Solutions
We believe that healthcare practitioners need a professional team that can support their private practice. If the healthcare practitioner can hire and train an effective two or three person team, that would be the ultimate solution. Unfortunately, this ideal solution is not cost-effective or feasible since healthcare practitioners are normally very busy and cannot create the time to manage such a team, and most healthcare practitioners do have not a private practice that does a huge monthly turnover. In cases such as these (which seem to be the norm and not the exception), the second and ideal solution is to find a team that provides medical billing solutions.
If you did find this medical billing team, what can you expect from them? And what should they be promising you?
In our opinion and having worked with many healthcare practitioners, the minimum for any medical billing solution should be the following:
- Provide a dedicated telephone number where clients can call in or send messages to. This does not necessarily mean that the team will be answering the calls in a real-time manner, but it does mean that the clients will be able to leave their messages and have the assurance that their queries will be responded to in a professional and timely manner.
- Ensure that responses to all messages to the to that telephone number are responded to and actioned within 8 working hours.
- Make appointments for patients and remind patients of their appointments.
- Generate invoices for each appointment, and send this to either the client or the health insurance company.
- Follow up on the payment for each invoice until it is paid or until a definite answer is provided on payment.
- Provide credit card facilities for patients to pay their invoices, or provide the training for the healthcare practitioner to set this up themselves.
- Provide payment allocation and reconciliation against each invoice – based on payments received and reflected on bank statements, health insurance statements and credit card statements.
- Provide detailed reports on the private practice at the end of each week and month.
- Provide financial reports based on income and expenses, which can be used by the healthcare practitioner’s accountant and/or tax consultant.
- Provide a dedicated website for the health practitioner.
- Provide a detailed plan on building out a successful website and online presence, so that this is part of their patient acquisition efforts.
- Provide a community and network of healthcare practitioners where cross-referrals and content sharing is possible.
Is this your experience of your current medical billing service? If you have a team in place or a virtual assistant, is this what you currently experience? If it’s not, then you should investigate options to ensure that can either supplement your current capabilities or replace your current way of working to one that can promise you these functions for your healthcare private practice.
Benefits of Working with A Professional Medical Billing Service?
- Simple and fixed pricing with no complicated charges.
- Simple to understand product and service offering.
- Full service offering for each healthcare practitioner.
- Exclusive service that was reserved for high billing practitioners is now available for all healthcare practitioners, irrespective of the size of their private practices.
- No percentage or claim based billing. You should not be penalised if your private practice does more revenue over time.
- No setup fees.
- Free and unlimited training on our systems.
- We don’t take payments – those go directly into your bank account, health insurance setup or via your credit card facilities.
One Final Note….
We offer a two month no-questions-asked money back guarantee. We don’t have any annual contracts, and you can provide a one month cancellation notice if you ever want to stop our medical billing solutions.
Sound fair?
When we launched our IsoEvolve medical billing solution, our first client, who was a psychiatrist mentioned the following in her email to us – “That sounds too good to be true!! Yes I’d like to talk about it further.“
Is there anything else we can do to convince you to try our medical billing solutions?
What Do Clients Say About Working with You?
The following was a comment from a psychologist who has a busy private practice in a psychiatric day hospital, Charles Malanga…
“Best practice management team and approach available.”
The following was a comment from an occupational therapist who has a busy private practice in a psychiatric day hospital, July Masango…
“Kitrin is one of the most amazing, and technologically advanced company that provides real life solutions for your day to day running your medical practice. Thank you so much for creating a conducive and friendly platform for us and our clients.”
You can view the other client Google Reviews by using this Review of Medical Billing Solutions Link.
You can also watch an interview that we did with Charles Malanga in this YouTube Video. This is the direct link as well –
How Can You Provide Professional Medical Billing Solutions at Such a Cost-Effective Monthly Price?
We believe that you don’t need to work with thousands or millions of clients in order to be happy. We do believe that creating value and making a positive difference in our own lives and the lives of our healthcare practitioner clients are our primary goals. With this in mind, we use our knowledge and experience to create software and processes that streamline and effectively manage the business processes in each private practice. Each of our clients experience this enterprise level support and service in their regular interactions with our team. We will never be a massive team. But we will be an effective team since we intelligently build software systems to make our clients’ and our lives much easier.
When you sign up for your IsoEvolve Medical Billing Solution, you will have first-hand experience of our flagship software, the IsoEvolve platform, and you will have the opportunity to get unlimited support and training on the software, coupled with the assurance of having a full team supporting you and your private practice.
Ready to Try Our IsoEvolve Medical Billing Solution? Here’s our Pricing….
We have different products and pricing to suit you and your private practice. You can choose the right product and view our pricing here – view medical billing solutions pricing.
Did We Miss Anything?
We discussed many items, and with too much information, we know that it’s difficult to make a decision. We firmly believe that we have one of the most professional, cost-effective and efficient medical billing solutions available to healthcare practitioners, and we would love to work with you. We know that our team can make a positive difference to your life, to your private practice and to the lives of your patients.
If we missed anything or you just need to chat to one of our team members, please complete your details below and someone from our team will contact you to setup a Zoom meeting where we can meet you in person and discuss any questions or concerns you have. One final reminder that there is no risk to this meeting or for you signing up for the IsoEvolve product since it is backed with our refund policy.
We look forward to meeting and working with you soon.