Presenter :: CG Forman
Our speaker on this Modality of Therapy is Ms. Casey-Garnett Forman who is a
Counselling Psychologist and Psychometrist. Her task is to enlighten us about Burnout
and the role of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy as a treatment in clinical practice.
Aims of the Module:
● To understand what Burnout is and how it is different from depression.
● To facilitate an understanding of how CBT is used in clinical practice.
● To understand the role of the limbic system in the stress response and how to counteract this.
● Applications of this modality of therapy.
● To understand the underpinnings of CBT that can be incorporated into the therapeutic space
● To understand the ethical considerations around informed consent with CBT.
The assessment of the understanding of the module is followed by a questionnaire (10
items) and short survey.
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