Dear Parents / Guardian
Hearing plays a vital role in your child’s ability to learn language, reading and spelling. A hearing screening is important for early identification and treatment of any hearing or ear-related difficulty (eg. ear infection). A hearing screening can thereby assist with preventing speech, language and learning difficulties.
The tests are quick to administer, non-invasive and should detect ear infections and hearing difficulties easily. All testing will be completed by a qualified Audiologist. The screening will include the following:
- Otoscopic examination: examination of the outer ear to determine if any obstructions such as wax or foreign bodies are present.
- Tympanometry: a pressure test to determine middle ear functioning (eg. to detect the presence of middle ear infection).
- Oto-acoustic emissions screening: an automatic hearing screening to determine outer hair cell functioning in the inner ear for 0-3 year olds and difficult to test children;
- Pure tone air conduction: a screening hearing test at four frequencies (500, 1000, 2000, 4000Hz) – from 3 years and older.
Written feedback and recommendations (where relevant) will be provided.
The cost of the screening is R50.00 and should be paid with submission of this form.
Please note that this is only a screening and cannot be claimed from medical aid.